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Hi, friend! Peruse my blog to explore a variety of photos, get photo shoot inspiration and tips, learn a bit about photography, and get a glimpse into my world!

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“That scene that I photographed while I was lying on the seashore, where the sea was without waves that day, and I photographed myself a scene while I was sleeping on the sand of the Gaza Sea. Where I felt absolute freedom at that time. Perhaps that scene was engraved and distinctive because I love sitting on the sand, love photography in Gaza, and I used to enjoy photographing that small spot and creating wonderful pictures from those places and trying to show my creativity in that small, closed place. That scene remained stuck in my mind and heart.” Salama Younis

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April 9, 2024

My friend Mikaela is a freelance writer and a blogger, not to mention an awesome basketball player (that’s how we met!). She recently was hired by Kenmore Air to write a featured story for HARBORS Magazine, their in-flight reading material. The feature is about Michelle Rohter, who’s been a pilot since 1987, and is Kenmore’s only female […]

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April 15, 2013

Today I went to lunch with my buddy Kyle and we hit up My Favorite Deli across the street from the UW Tower (it’s pretty good, check it out!). Being near the UW, they get copies of The Daily, UW’s student newspaper. (It feels weird having to explain what that is, but I’m going to […]

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January 25, 2011