[Newsworthy] Pic in The Daily

January 25, 2011

Newsworthy, Sports

Today I went to lunch with my buddy Kyle and we hit up My Favorite Deli across the street from the UW Tower (it’s pretty good, check it out!). Being near the UW, they get copies of The Daily, UW’s student newspaper. (It feels weird having to explain what that is, but I’m going to assume that not everyone reading this is a Husky). 🙂 I started leafing through the newspaper as Kyle and I waited for our sandwiches, when suddenly I came across a photo that looked oddly familiar – it was one that I took at the Huskies vs. ASU football game on 10/9/10!

I was surprised, and then wasn’t sure if I should be thrilled that my work made the newspaper, or upset that I had no idea it was there and it was only a random chance that I actually saw it. I was credited with the photo, thought, so I chose to write the editor of The Daily simply to provide my contact info in case any of my work pops up in the future or if I submit something. (I’d like to know about it!) 🙂 Everything’s cool, and I’m happy my pic made it in the paper. Hopefully it won’t be the only time!