Kenmore Air: Flight to Friday Harbor

April 15, 2013


My friend Mikaela is a freelance writer and a blogger,Β not to mention an awesome basketball player (that’s how we met!). She recently was hired by Kenmore AirΒ to write a featured story for HARBORS Magazine, their in-flight reading material. The feature is about Michelle Rohter, who’s been a pilot since 1987, and is Kenmore’s only female pilot who’s qualified to fly their entire fleet. Talk about a role model! So, of course, the story must be accompanied by pictures, right? That’s where I come in. Mikaela asked me if I’d like to help her and photograph Michelle. My work, published in a magazine? Um, yes please! πŸ™‚

We first talked about this back in the fall when the weather was crummy, so we knew we’d have to wait until spring. Little did we know that we’d actually be riding along with Michelle as she picked up passengers in the San Juans at Friday Harbor and Lopez Island! And boy, was it a beautiful afternoon or what. We flew on Sunday, April 14, leaving Kenmore Air Harbor in Kenmore at 4pm and returning from our trip by 6:30 or so. Not a shabby way to spend the evening.
I’m simply in love with the views of the Puget Sound area. Those of us who live here are spoiled rottenn to have such amazing landscapes all around. You can imagine my delight to be able to capture our home in all its glory. I hope you enjoy the images below!
*Note: Due to the windows being curved, some photos have some blurred qualities about them. Just imagine that you, yourself, are peering out the window. It’s as if you were there with us! πŸ˜‰


Ready and waiting at Kenmore Air Harbor.

KenmoreAir_041413_002__webHere’s Michelle! She was super friendly and told us some neat facts about our trip. On the right is the Otter, a 10-seater plane and the largest in the Kenmore fleet.

KenmoreAir_041413_009__web KenmoreAir_041413_022__webI got to sit next to Michelle on our way up to Friday Harbor so I could snap a few shots of her in action. As a pilot for 26 years, she’s definitely earned her stripes.

KenmoreAir_041413_047__webThis is Mikaela, all smiles because we got to wear headsets so we could actually communicate on the flight. She also dabbles with photography – you can see her changing lenses here. πŸ™‚

KenmoreAir_041413_051__webHeading north over Lake Washington. We left the docks facing south and then pulled a U-ey to head to the islands. The blur is the propeller!

KenmoreAir_041413_053__webI actually prefer the PNW with a few clouds in the sky, especially when they’re fluffy like this one! This is approaching Whidbey Island.

KenmoreAir_041413_068__web KenmoreAir_041413_069__web KenmoreAir_041413_075__webRemember that Whidbey Island landslide on March 27? There it is… Look how it changed the shoreline! That used to be straight! Amazing, the power of nature.

KenmoreAir_041413_089__web KenmoreAir_041413_093__webFarmland…and how we’re so fortunate to have local, organic foods around here! πŸ˜€

KenmoreAir_041413_094__webSmith Island…unoccupied…apparently there used to be a third house, but it was lost when a landslide took it out. I don’t imagine this lil’ guy will stand the test of time.

KenmoreAir_041413_100__webSeal sighting, bottom right of the rocks!

KenmoreAir_041413_106__webThis is actually my favorite shot of the day. Gorgeous vessel docked in Friday Harbor. I love the reflection.

KenmoreAir_041413_119__webThere’s a lil’ seafood shop right at the marina. Fresh, fresh, fresh!

KenmoreAir_041413_121__webHow cool is this. I didn’t take a photo of ‘looking down’, but the pilons were covered with giant white-plumed sea anemones.

KenmoreAir_041413_126__web KenmoreAir_041413_137__webNot sure I could live this far from the city, but these homes…wowwwww..

KenmoreAir_041413_153__webCheck out Fort Casey!

KenmoreAir_041413_162__webA ferry and an oil carrier.

KenmoreAir_041413_166__webHey, it’s my hometown Edmonds! Lookin’ good. πŸ™‚

KenmoreAir_041413_178__webGreen Lake. Who’s playing basketball down there?

KenmoreAir_041413_183__webHeading to the Kenmore Aire dock on Lake Union to drop off our passengers.


This mother goose has made her home on Bill Gates’ dock! Apparently they tried a few tricks to get her to leave, but she outsmarted ’em, and here she lays (eggs)!

KenmoreAir_041413_191__web KenmoreAir_041413_204__web

Hey beautiful.


Husky Stadium…see you on August 31!!!


The UW Medical Center and Health Sciences on the left, and much of upper campus on the right. I *heart* UW.


Overall, an amazing afternoon and I’m grateful for the opportunity not only to be part of a magazine publication, but to see the incredible beauty that is right in our own backyard. πŸ™‚ Thanks again, Mikaela!

You can read other stories about Kenmore Air on their blog.