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Hi, friend! Peruse my blog to explore a variety of photos, get photo shoot inspiration and tips, learn a bit about photography, and get a glimpse into my world!

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Dear Husky football, If the photography gods spoke to me and said, “TB, you must choose only one subject to shoot for the rest of your life,” hands down it would be you. (Husky sports as a whole, if the gods would be so generous.) My passion for athletics and all that is purple & […]

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September 24, 2011

The Huskies vs. Arizona State football game was 10/9/10…my first game shooting from the sidelines!!! It was POURING rain. Absolutely pourrrring. And I fell in love with being out there on the field. I observed every photographer in sight to see how they did things, what gear they had, how they carried stuff around, when […]

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October 19, 2010

The Huskies vs. Arizona State football game on 10/9/10…my first game shooting from the sidelines!!! It was POURING rain. Absolutely pourrrring. But it was so fun. I observed every photographer in sight to see how they were doing things. While I captured about 850 shots over four quarters, I still didn’t have a comprehensive idea […]

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October 18, 2010