[Sports] Huskies vs. ASU

October 18, 2010


The Huskies vs. Arizona State football game on 10/9/10…my first game shooting from the sidelines!!! It was POURING rain. Absolutely pourrrring. But it was so fun. I observed every photographer in sight to see how they were doing things. While I captured about 850 shots over four quarters, I still didn’t have a comprehensive idea of how the whole game was going. Every time I looked up at the scoreboard I was surprised because I hadn’t realized ASU had scored or that we were losing or something.

I shot with my D700 and 70-200mm f/2.8. Would have been awesome to have a 2nd camera so I could have a different lens. Next time!

Big thanks to my boy D.Hour in the UW Athletic Department for giving me the opportunity…I shot a pre-game event for him in exchange for bein’ allowed to shoot on the field. Fingers crossed I can do it again! 🙂

Enough talking – enjoy the pics!