[Personal] “Thank you” Friday

October 15, 2010


There are a few people who need to be thanked for how they’ve helped me the past few weeks.

On the business side of things…I couldn’t be more blessed to have so many friends and family ready and willing to offer advice, resources, connections, and most of all, support and enthusiasm!
I met with local wedding and lifestyle photographer – Tonhya Kae – on October 6. She’s a few years younger than me and been in the business on her own for a year. I learned about Tonhya through my “work pen pal,” Jessica (whom I have yet to meet in person but we are a riot via email!), and so I looked up Tonhya’s website and contacted her to see if she’d be interested in meeting for an informational interview. Over Odwalla’s and banana and pumpkin bread at the Wallingford Starbucks, she spent a good hour-and-a-half telling me literally each step she took to get started in the biz, her work flow, how she got her website designed, etc. etc. She was ridiculously helpful and absolutely motivating. She helped me add a lot of things to my ‘to-do’ list, and one thing she suggested right away was to change the appearance of my blog (which I had sent to her prior to the meeting), because I am a way more happy and bubbly person than the black background was letting on. So I did a quick fix, but I also hope to get a more “official” blog set up in the next few weeks and be able to announce that with my biz website. Anyway – THANK YOU, TONHYA!!! It was fabulous to meet you and hear your story. 🙂
Despite how often I wish I was still in college (I just love being on campus, call me crazy), one thing that I love about being an “adult” is seeing what all of my friends are doing with their lives post-school. There are quite a few entrepreneurial spirits in my close group of friends, three of whom have done nothing but encourage me, help me find resources, and help me up my business savvy.
Lull Mengesha, aka Mogul Mengesha,