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Hi, friend! Peruse my blog to explore a variety of photos, get photo shoot inspiration and tips, learn a bit about photography, and get a glimpse into my world!

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Jay got back from his training a few days after Valentine’s Day, so we celebrated over the weekend. We were super bums the first day he was back…I made pancakes from scratch (a yummy secret of mine is to add a bit of vanilla to the batter and use coconut oil to grease the griddle) […]

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February 20, 2013

Anxiety alert! Anxiety alert! Danger ahead! That alarm goes off in my brain when big changes in my life (let’s emphasize the ‘my life’ part, for relativity’s sake) are about to happen or when something new and unknown (and 99.9% of the time totally awesome) is on the horizon. I’m a creature of comfort. Oh […]

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January 13, 2013

Happy 2013, everyone! I hope your year is off to a good start. Whose resolutions are still in tact? 😉 Mine is to blog at least once a week, and 1/7 is not yet over, so I’m jusssst squeaking by! Ha. There certainly was no lack of excitement or activity in 2012 – typical. My […]

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January 7, 2013

Meet Hakeem Rollins, aka Hakeem the Dream.   We became friends our junior year of college at the University of Washington. I refer to him as Dream Team or simply Dreamy. (That’s how you’ll be referring to him after you drool over these images, ladies.) 😉 Hakeem is a 6’8” Greek god basketball player. He […]

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October 12, 2012