Looking back at 2012

January 7, 2013


Happy 2013, everyone! I hope your year is off to a good start. Whose resolutions are still in tact? 😉 Mine is to blog at least once a week, and 1/7 is not yet over, so I’m jusssst squeaking by! Ha.

There certainly was no lack of excitement or activity in 2012 – typical. My friends expect no less than a laundry list of things when they ask me, “What are you up to this week/weekend?”

In terms of my photography, 2012 was a year of huge growth, both in my experience and skill, and the sheer amount of shoots I was asked to do. Two weddings, eight infants, children & their families, six seniors, two college grads, one professional athlete, three small business owners, eight events…Oh, and I also completed my Project 366, woot woot! I learn something new every time I pop off my lens cap. THANK YOU to everyone who made it happen for me this past year!

Here are some other highlights of my life in 2012…consider this the Christmas card I never sent. 😉

I’m looking forward to what 2013 holds. I already have a couple weddings booked. I’m learning more and more each day as a basketball coach. I’ll become an auntie to a little Aussie ‘niecew’ (the term I invented for when your sibling isn’t going to find out the gender of the baby, so you’re not sure if you’re going to have a niece or a nephew). 🙂 I’ll hit the big dirty thirty (cue lightning flash and ominous thunder clap). One of my sisters will graduate from college. Look to hear about all of these things and more in the coming year. Remember, my resolution is to blog at least once a week, so if you don’t hear from me every seven days, get on my case!

Have a great week, everyone.