Rock it out: Overcoming a childhood fear

February 20, 2013


Jay got back from his training a few days after Valentine’s Day, so we celebrated over the weekend. We were super bums the first day he was back…I made pancakes from scratch (a yummy secret of mine is to add a bit of vanilla to the batter and use coconut oil to grease the griddle) around noon on Sunday and we played a few hours of League of Legends (well, Jay played – I cursed under my breath – I’m terrible…I haven’t been much of a gamer since Crash Bandicoot came out, but I wanted to do something that he likes), and caught up with a few TV shows. Like I said – super bums. We made up for it the next day, though!

Monday was the ultimate date day (we both had the day off from work) and consisted of…mani-pedis, Stone Gardens in Ballard for an hour of climbing (more on that in a second), pickup hoops at the IMA, grocery shopping with my sister (this sounds like a normal activity but I just love hangin’ out with Hailey so it’s a memorable part of my day) 🙂 cashing in on a LivingSocial deal for dinner at Smokin’ Pete’s BBQ in Ballard (fooooood coooomaaaaa), catching a showing of Warm Bodies (surprisingly cute, witty, and endearing), and baking Jay a batch of my famous Dark Knight cookies. Great day. Awesome day.

So, in regards to Stone Gardens…I was nervous. Jay’s suggested this activity since the second day we knew each other and I always found a way to put it off. The first time I ever tried rock climbing was at an REI when I was around eight years old, I think. I got about halfway up the wall and then all of a sudden I got sewing machine leg. I was so afraid. And that memory has stuck with me, so I was really anxious about trying again. BUT, I wanted to overcome my fear, and I wanted to do something fun with Jay. I didn’t want something as stupid as a little bit of childhood fear to get in the way of personal growth. And I did it!! 😀 I climbed each course and had to take a break on only one of them because I put myself in a really awkward position and had no idea how to get out of it. (Note – when you take a break it’s called “hang dogging.”) It was a blast. I loved watching Jay scale the wall like Spiderman. I was energized by the challenge and overcoming my anxiety. And I really want to go climbing again.

“Do one thing everyday that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt


Knots were easy to pick up for my Navy boy.

Jay “flashed” all but one course – meaning he completed it without taking a break.

Probably trying to figure out where to put my foot…

The feelings I had after climbing a few walls yesterday are similar to how I feel about growing my business. I had a bit of anxiety to begin with, but I welcome the challenge and embrace the opportunity to learn and make myself better.

Thank you, Jay, for helping me get out of my comfort zone. And for a lovely Valentine’s weekend. 🙂 AND – happy six months today, woot woot! 😉