Puerto Rican Luquillo Beach Wedding: Marie + Ron

April 20, 2013


Marie waltzed into a club in Chicago very late one night, expected nothing more than simply to dance the night away with her girlfriends. However, as she passed the bouncers at the front door, she noticed a cutie and quickly snagged his beanie hat right off his head. That cutie’s name is Ron. And he was very fond of his hat. He jokingly tried to get it back from her, but Marie didn’t give in, and at the end of the night she (‘accidentally’) walked out of the club without returning it. Ron thought about Marie all week, hoping that she’d return to the club so he could see her again – and get his beanie back. Well, she did return, and the two goofballs (really, that is the best word to describe them) soon started spending more and more time together. Fast forward to March 30, and they vowed to love each other forever (Ron even sang to Marie) in front of nearly 70 family and friends all dressed in white sitting on the beach in Luquillo, Puerto Rico.

Marie is my cousin. We rarely get to see each other more than once a year at family reunions, but when we get together it’s non-stop laughter and jokes and being glorrrrious together. Two-and-a-half years ago I went to Chicago (where Marie was studying to be an acupuncturist, so cool!) to visit some friends, and we went to our other cousins’ (we have lots of cousins…lots) beach house along Lake Michigan. And that is where I met Ron. Well, he looked like Ron, but he sounded like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I quickly learned that Ron does amazing voice impressions, and I was pretty much begging him to talk in anything but his own voice the entire day. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure I know what Ron does sound like! But that’s beside the point. The point is, Ron made me laugh, which is the best first impression anyone can give, in my opinion, so I gave Marie the thumbs up. Then, when they got engaged last spring and Marie asked me if I’d like to photograph their wedding, I immediately thought, “Sweeeeeet! Now I can call myself an international wedding photographer!” *record scratchOh wait. Duh. Puerto Rico is part of the U.S. Dang. Oh well, a destination wedding is a destination wedding, and there was no way I was going to let anyone else photograph these two love birds!

We had an amazing time in PR celebrating Marie and Ron. The stories that were shared, stories that connect all of us to them and to each other, were truly special to hear. And, despite the fact that I got stung by a bee on the bottom of my foot, and on that same day bashed the top of the same foot on an exposed pipe as I was (unsuccessfully) trying to dodge waves as the tide rolled in (for the record, it’s still healing)…there was no other place I would have rather been than in Luquillo capturing their wedding day. Thank you so much, Marie & Ron. Love you guys!!!

Marie made her own necklace. She’s a Jackie of all trades. 😉Marie&Ron_033013_0008__web Marie&Ron_033013_0014__web

Marie also had her dress made, and had purple tulle underneath all the layers of white silk. You’ll see it in the following images.



Marie made all of the girls custom bracelets and earrings with this neat wood figure-eight design.


Faith did Marie’s hair…how gorgeous is that!Marie&Ron_033013_0322__web

How many sisters does it take to install a bride into her dress? 😉Marie&Ron_033013_0354__web Marie&Ron_033013_0377__web

Gahhh, you’re so beautiful, Mer!Marie&Ron_033013_0380__web

Marie and Ron worked with Sari and John of Tropical Weddings. They were so easy to work with, they made sure everything was set up early so I could photograph details before dark. 🙂Marie&Ron_033013_0244__web


Meanwhile, the boys are…


It was realllllllly windy. All. Day. Long. Messed up a few hairdos but also made for some unique images.


Marie&Ron_033013_0099__webFirst look! Love love love.

Marie&Ron_033013_0455__web Marie&Ron_033013_0477__web

Our cousin, and Ron’s best man, Carleton played the ukulele as the bridal party walked down the aisle.Marie&Ron_033013_0522__web

Marie is super close to her family. Her parents are so great!Marie&Ron_033013_0588__web Marie&Ron_033013_0760__web

That’s love right there.Marie&Ron_033013_0762__web Marie&Ron_033013_0789__web Marie&Ron_033013_0803__web Marie&Ron_033013_0894__web Marie&Ron_033013_0931__web


Marriage, for the win!Marie&Ron_033013_1007__web

This is everyone. And they’re all really excited about Marie and Ron tyin’ the knot!Marie&Ron_033013_1059__web

I love these girls! Marie and her beautiful, hilarious, talented sisters.Marie&Ron_033013_1204__web


I had to include this because, well, this is Ron.Marie&Ron_033013_1223__web Marie&Ron_033013_1234__web

I told Ron to whisper something into Marie’s ear. Classic Marie reaction, this makes me laugh so hard! (I’m allowed to post these goofy photos ’cause we’re related!) 😉Marie&Ron_033013_1242__web Marie&Ron_033013_1253__web Marie&Ron_033013_1285__web Marie&Ron_033013_1318__web

Marie, you caught yourself a stud!Marie&Ron_033013_1343__web Marie&Ron_033013_1359__web Marie&Ron_033013_1415__web

I love this one – so dreamy!Marie&Ron_033013_1438__web Marie&Ron_033013_1442__web Marie&Ron_033013_1447__web

This was a few minutes before the power went out from the wind! (Thankfully it came back on a few minutes later.)Marie&Ron_033013_1463__web Marie&Ron_033013_1485-2__web

Nicole, Marie’s LA actress sister, and Carleton, our musically motivated cousin, wrote a song to toast Marie and Ron. It was hilarious and totally perfect for them.Marie&Ron_033013_1534__web

And it was prettttttty much like this for four straight hours. Awesome.Marie&Ron_033013_1658-2__web

Morrrrie and Torrrrraaaa. 😉 Love you, girl! (Thanks for snappin’ the photo, Dede.) 😉Marie&Ron_033013_1674__web

P.S. A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to my buddy Steve Chapman for letting me borrow his camera body and some other gear for my two weddings in March! You’re a life saver and I’m so grateful for your support!!! 😀