Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot

September 22, 2014


I’m blessed with a ginormous extended family, and one of my favorite parts about being a photographer is that it has given me the opportunity to photograph cousins and get to know them better. Elliot is a younger cousin of mine, and a senior at Bellarmine Prep in Tacoma. I honestly don’t think we’d been introduced before (isn’t that funny! that’s how big my family is, though), but he was receptive to my “nice to meet you” hug and super easy to work with throughout the evening. That might have been due in part to the fact that he’d just gotten his braces off the day before, so he was ready to show off his pearly whites! Elliot, I had great time hanging out with you and learning a bit about your life.

We spent most of the time at the picturesque University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, which I had never visited before – it was lovely! I always enjoy exploring college campuses, and it complimented Elliot’s style quite well, I think!

Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot |

Elliot is on Bellarmine’s tennis team, so we finished his photo shoot there. Sadly, the gates to the court were locked, but we still got a couple cool images.

Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot | Bellarmine Prep Class of 2015: Elliot |

Elliot is looking forward to heading down to the beaches of California for college next year. I’m sure I’ll get the update at the next family reunion. 🙂 Good luck in your senior year, Elliot!

See more photos of Elliot in this slideshow.