Thankfulness 2016

November 24, 2016


I wrote this a couple days ago but have been so busy getting hyped for Thanksgiving that I’m just now posting here. Anyway, here goes! 🙂

As I sit here typing in my new home office, trying to ignore the stacks of boxes around me waiting to be unpacked, thinking about the shower that’s clogged, and the fridge door that hits the counter, the medicine cabinet that won’t stay closed, and all these little things that go along with moving into a rental home, I cannot help but have a perma-smile on my face. 😀 I have so many things to be thankful for in my life, one of which is the excitement of living in a new home.

But more importantly, above everything else, I am thankful for you.

I am thankful for my family. My parents have allowed me to live with them for the last 2 1/2 years, and not only did our relationships grow stronger, but other than the fact that my workspace was the dining table, I don’t think we drove each other too crazy. I will forever be grateful for the time that I got to live with my parents as an adult. I’m also thankful for all four of my parents as a whole for how they continue to support me in my photography endeavors and other life goals, and continually impart their unique wisdom along the way.

I am thankful for my siblings, who make me proud to be related to them each and every day. They are all doing something with their lives that brings joy to other people and they put their own personality into everything that they do. I would do anything for these guys and I know that they will always have my back. I also love them for giving me my seven beautiful nieces and nephews, who are a joy to watch grow into little humans.

I am grateful for my friends; the Divas, the Divos, my people who have been with me since grade school, my gym rats… each of these relationships is unique and valuable and they strengthen me. I could not be happier with the group of people with which I have surrounded myself. I know everyone loves their friends, but I truly feel like I curate some pretty awesome people, and bringing them together and helping them form friendships with each other is a delight to me.

I am humbled by my clients. Obviously, you have everything to do with how my business has been growing, and so from the very bottom of my heart: thank you, thank you, thank you. Your trust in me to capture your weddings, your families, your soon-to-be high school graduates, your special events, your professional photos, whatever it maybe. I love photographing you because I am all about making connections, and if photography is the way that we will be brought together, then I am all for it. Thank you for your continued support, for sharing my work with your friends and family, for encouraging me to keep growing my business, and for asking how I’m doing.

Also, I do feel like I need to give a special shout out to the University of Washington Alumni Association as well as other departments at the UW, because anyone who knows me knows I am a Husky through and through, and being able to capture moments for the University is really special to me. I appreciate very deeply the way that you have chosen to work with me so often, not to mention the friendships that have come from it!

I am thankful for my photography community. I have a few friends whom I met as photographers first, but who have become so special to me as friends and business allies. Extra gratitude goes to Sean Brown. He emailed me about a year and a half ago asking to second shoot weddings, and since that time he has certainly imparted more knowledge to me than I to him. He is a true giver, a very talented photographer, such a positive and inspirational person, and even though we aren’t related, the fact that we share the same last name makes us feel like we have a special bond, too. Whether it is down on the Husky football field or talking about senior photography and editing, he is always there with an answer or advice or encouragement. Plus, we have fun. And I have all sorts of love and respect for Cheryl Ford, who is one my favorite people to work with or talk to about business, and who makes incredible sugar cookies. It is so great to have someone that I know I can reach out to at any time. There are many other photographers who have made an impact on me and I just want to keep encouraging everyone to keep hustling, to keep pushing your skills and creativity, and to keep sharing within our community. We are so much stronger, not to mention more fun, when we all work and learn together.

So, happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Thank you for being part of my life. You are there intentionally, and I hope you know it.

Much love and gratitude. And go Dawgs. 😉