Juanita Beach Park engagement: Rachelle + Tom

October 14, 2016


Rachelle and Tom met at a church conference, when he passed her a little Post-it® doodle, something for which he is well known amongst friends for creating. It put a smile on Rachelle’s face, and although they didn’t live in the same city at the time, that smile would soon be permanent once she moved to Seattle. Tom and Rachelle both love board and video games, and their Seattle friends would help create opportunities to get them together with game nights. One thing I admire about Rachelle is that she is a woman who knows what (in this case, whom) she wants and gets after it – not only did she ask Tom out, but she also proposed to him, which I think is freaking awesome. 😀 I observe a lovely balance and respect for each other in their relationship. And, above all, laughter. Both agreed that their favorite thing about the other is their sense of humor and how they make each other laugh. I’m pretty sure this means they have a very joyous future ahead of them.

From the moment I met Rachelle and Tom, I could tell we would get along. They are so genuine, warm, and easy going. Plus, their love and affection translates so naturally in front of the camera…their engagement session at Juanita Beach Park was mostly them hanging out and being adorable, and I happened to have the privilege of witnessing it with my camera. 🙂


So I wasn’t kidding when I said they are just adorable together.juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_02

Side note – literally everyone else at the park on this day were playing Pokémon GO. (Including, during quick breaks, R+T.) 😉juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_03

I had never taken photos at Juanita Beach Park, and was so delighted to find all sorts of romantic paths and places for private photos.juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_04 juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_05 juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_06 juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_07 juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_08

Wherever they go, they go together. 🙂juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_09

I kind of love willow trees. And I love how we got this photo. You may have seen on my Snapchat (@tarabrownphoto), that I asked them to stand on a picnic table to get up into the droopy branches! That’s trust right there. 😉 Anything for the shot!juanita-beach-park-kirkland-engagement-rachelle-tom_10

Rachelle and Tom, I can’t wait to photograph your wedding (tomorrow! in a storm! ack!). You’re both glorious human beings. 😀