Washington Park Arboretum engagement: Shannon & Stephen

November 21, 2014


When you’re a twin, sometimes people struggle to tell you apart from your biological doppelgänger. To people meeting you for the first time, the fact that the two of you dress differently might be considered a courtesy to those who can’t tell the difference between the arch of your eyebrows or a few freckles. When Stephen met twins Shannon and Kerry while playing indoor soccer, he memorized that Shannon always wore pink shorts (Kerry wore blue) so that he would be sure to flirt with the “right twin” (since Kerry was already dating Kevin). They chatted together after each game for a month or two, became Facebook friends, and when Stephen messaged her asking Shannon to happy hour, she happily accepted.

Confession: When I first met Shannon and Kerry, I relied upon their hair length to tell them apart. 😉 But now, after having the pleasure of photographing both of these ladies and their leading men, (and Shannon got a haircut!), I can tell who’s who much better.

Shannon and Stephen wanted to capture the fall colors in the Washington Park Arboretum for their engagement session. We strolled through the park and took advantage of the variety of scenery.

These two are so attentive to each other. Sweet love. 🙂

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Shannon and Stephen were all smiles during their session.

“Fall”ing in love all over again.tara-brown-washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0006washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0014

This bridge leading to the park is such a neat spot that I first learned about when photographing Claire and Mike’s engagement. I love the lamps and the moss.tara-brown-washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0007 tara-brown-washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0008 tara-brown-washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0009 tara-brown-washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0010washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0016washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0018 washington-park-arboretum-engagement-shannon-stephen_0017

Shannon and Stephen have eyes for only each other, and ended the day wrapped in each other’s arms.

Thanks for the fun afternoon, Shannon and Stephen! (And humongo thanks to my buddy, Eric, for assisting me on such short notice – what a rock star!)

You can view more images from Shannon & Stephen’s engagement session in this slideshow.