My Valentine

February 14, 2013


I will be completely honest – I’m a little bit apathetic when it comes to Valentine’s Day.

Kind of like how I feel towards Kobe Bryant – yeah, I acknowledge that he’s an amazing player, but he doesn’t pull at my heart strings in a good or bad way. He’s just there. V Day is kind of like that (along with a handful of other holidays, in my  mind). It’s not that I don’t LOVE love. It’s not that I had a tragic Heart Day one year where the guy I had a crush on gave a dozen roses to someone else. I’m not gonna go all Jennifer Garner and have a giant anti-Valentine’s Day party at an Indian restaurant (although that sounds tasty – garlic naan, mmm). I think my main beef with V Day is the commercialization, cliches, and expectations/pressure. And the fact that V Day candy and decorations are in stores by the time everyone’s finished unwrapping their Christmas presents. Seriously, world, let’s take a chill pill. I like holidays that bear tradition and genuine acts of celebration, and V Day has yet to be that for me.

But THIS year, I will admit, is a bit different. Cuz I have a super special guy in my life. And while he’s actually not in town right now (Navy training in Cali, geeeezzzzz), he’ll be home in a few days and we’ll celebrate our hots for each other then. Although I’m still not giddy about V Day even now (maybe I just need more practice at them), I’m certainly not going to miss taking advantage of sharing how much I care about Jay on our FIRST Valentine’s Day. SO – HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to a man who makes me smile and laugh, who sings Frank Ocean songs to me, who supports me in all my endeavors from coaching to photography, who is patient with my lack of both decision-making and LoL skills, who loves me even though I wear yoga pants and hoodies 90% of the time, who is extremely honest and an amazing communicator, who’s always up for any activity I throw at him, who’s become a Husky fan, who tips way too much (seriously, that’s the ‘worst’ thing about him), who is beyond thoughtful/helpful/generous when it comes to my family, and who is a complete stud muffin and smells delicious. Can’t get enough. I love you, Jay.

Jay’s favorite picture of us. Down at Gig Harbor cozyin’ up on the couch. 🙂