Roosevelt class of 2012: Alex

June 15, 2012


I’m still not sure if Alex ACTUALLY likes hanging out in front of the camera…but if not, he was sure good at faking it. He has a broad, charming smile, and he’s not afraid to use it! You might notice that Alex has a signature beard. He happens to share the same last name as a former Gonzaga basketball player ALSO known for his facial hair – and I apologize to you, Alex, because I caught myself on multiple occasions starting to type Adam instead of your name…but at least your beard is a bazillion times better than his creepy mustache, AND, you didn’t cry when our shoot was over. 😉

But I digress. Terribly. Sorry about that.

Back to Alex! He’s graduating from Roosevelt High School this weekend and soon heading back east to the Rochester Institute of Technology in upstate New York to study glass blowing – watch out, Chihuly!

Alex and I met at Gas Works Park, (one of my favorite places to go running), on a temperate Seattle day in June. (No rain? – WIN!) I felt slightly old school when I asked him if he knew about the paint ball scene at Gas Works in 10 Things I Hate About You…and he hadn’t even heard of the movie… =/ But we had a good time walking around the park, watching people fly kites, and battling our seasonal allergies (great bonding).


My favorite pic of the day. 🙂 These arches make such a cool setting.

Seattle was showing off this day. Lake Union looked AMAZING! And Alex was warming up to the camera.

My second fave pic of the day…he wore a huge smile most of the time, but I liked this more serious look. Plus, his beard just fits naturally in a ‘forest’ setting, right?? Urban lumberjack? 😀

He’s thinkin’, “Heeeeey ladiesssss,” I’m sure. 😉

We were done with our shoot, but as we were walking to the parking lot I stopped and said, “WAIT! – you have to give me one more pose, the lighting here is great.” Need I say  more?

I mean, if anyone is lookin’ for a model up in Rochester, here’s your boy.

Hard to focus on anything else with that cityscape in the background, but Alex held his own. 🙂


HAPPY GRADUATION, ALEX! And best wishes for your college career. I can’t wait to see one of your pieces of work in some fancy schmancy hotel lobby! 😀