
Reaching 2021 goals: wipe-outs or bust

January 11, 2021

Personal, Photography

Could you use a little motivation today, friend? How ‘bout this:

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” – Will Rogers

Literally my life over the weekend at Crystal Mountain.

I’m in my third season of snowboarding, and I’m working on reaching a solid intermediate skill level. Well, no matter how fresh the snow or beautiful the run, I can’t accomplish anything just by plopping down in the middle of the mountain, right?! Even if that’s the “right track”!

Over the weekend, my friend Alice coached me on connecting my turns and overcoming my nerves approaching steeper slopes. (Spoiler alert – still not comfortable, but I made progress!)

I talked to myself while riding to make sure I was moving my body correctly, or just to give myself confidence to take the next turn. I caught my edges and had some pretty acrobatic wipeouts. You’ve seen in action movies how a helicopter gets damaged and spins out of control through the air, right? Yeah, so imagine a teal and hot pink helicopter doing that on the snow. That was me. (Don’t worry, I’m fine!)

Each run posed a new challenge.

And each time I had to decide if I would just sit there to be run over (literally and figuratively), or keep moving forward and beyond my comfort zone.

I’m taking this same approach to 2021. Last year, parts of my business wiped out (much like my not-so-graceful falls), so I looked for some new tracks to hop on – such as the world of online course creation. But it’s one thing to learn how, and completely another thing to apply it and make it happen!

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about creating an online manual mode photography course for beginners. I’d be fooling you if I said filming it will be a breeze, or that every lesson is going to be perfect. Yet, I’d also be doing myself a disservice if I let those reservations stand in my way from creating something new. And, as I know from my dear Premiere Members (for whom I am so incredibly grateful!), there are plenty of people wanting and waiting to learn from me – so who am I to hold them back? This new venture isn’t about me, it’s about serving others (maybe you!) so they can find new inspiration, creativity, and talent.

I’m determined not to get “run over” on this new track, (although I’m sure there will be bumps and bruises along the way!).

And I hope that whatever you’re pursuing this year, you grant yourself permission to dust yourself off after you faceplant in the snow, and keep going. Because the journey to new achievements is the best part.

You’ve got this.

P.S. Is one of your goals to learn photography this year? Because if it is, we should definitely talk. I’d love to invite you to my upcoming online photography course for beginners! Ping me and I’ll give you the detes. We start January 25!