Happy birthday to the maximumest

May 9, 2014


Yes, I know – maximumest isn’t a word. But in my family, we often create words. Or acronyms. Or new phrases. Or also, in my dad’s case, the #hashtag hand sign. (Months before that Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake #Hashtag sketch was produced. I have photographic proof. This is my sister Hailey hashtaggin’ it up on July 23, 2012, more than a year before the #Hashtag video came out.)


But I digress.

Today is my dad David’s birthday, and I refer to him as Maximum Dadsimum, or just Maximum, for short. That is why he is the maximumest. (And Mom is Momster. We take nicknames very seriously in my family. That requires an entirely separate blog post.)

When I woke up this morning, I thought I would simply say “happy birthday” and then move on to talking about my first day as being a full-time entrepreneur. But then I got goin’ and realized that that’s going to have to wait, because this man deserves a dedicated birthday post.


Happy birthday!! Thank you for always helping me edit my school papers and for being the best role model in providing customer service – don’t think I’d be sittin’ here blogging and running a business without so many things you’ve taught me. Thank you for all of the Mariners games and Slurpee runs. Thank you for coming to all of my sporting events when I was growing up (and even making it to college intramural championships). And also thank you for that one day that you stayed in the backyard and caught 500 pitches in a row for me. (Probably the reason why I have right shoulder problems to this day.) You are an inspiration to many and your reputation precedes you. You build rapport with seamless ease. You are dedicated to doing your absolute best for both your family and your clients (and while I wish you’d take more vacation days, I know your clients appreciate how hard you work for them). You can always make me laugh, I love joking with you, but you are also there to listen to me and offer advice when I need it, especially as I’ve been growing my business and trying to figure out what to do with my life. I am grateful to have you in my life. I am proud when I hear people say positive things about you and how much they like you. I am so proud to be your daughter. #happybirthdaydad

Love ya later (LYL),


P.S. If you know my dad and/or have a funny story, leave him some birthday love in the comment box below!


(He’s also a super talented and passionate musician, and the drummer in a band called FRO. They have a gig on May 31 at the Rendezvous in Seattle, FYI!)