Giving thanks

November 28, 2013


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I think the only reason Christmas ranks higher is because people celebrate that throughout the month of December, whereas we get just a day for Thanksgiving festivities. It’s the focus on family and quality time that makes this time of year so special to me. In all of the chaos that is our lives these days, it’s a reminder to slow down, put our cell phones away (except when Instagramming our turkey dinners), and really listen to each other as we share stories. Okay, and I would be lying if I didn’t mention that it’s also about the food. I. Love. Thanksgiving. Food. I’m especially excited for today’s meal because since Halloween I’ve been participating in ONVO Essentials (I took the class before, this time it was something I did on my own) – so that means I haven’t eaten dairy, grain or any sweets or processed foods for four weeks! That’s a big deal for me, because I’m obsessed with ice cream and French toast. 🙂 Thanksgiving proved to be the perfect motivation for this four weeks of better health, and throughout the process I’ve been reminded of just how good it feels to eat real food. (Not that dairy and grains aren’t real food! Removing those from the diet is to see if you have allergies or other reactions when you reintroduce them.) Anyway, I am beyond excited for homemade dinner rolls with butter, mashed yams (with butter), and pie! 😀 Oh man, I’m drooling on my keyboard as I type…

I need to wrap up this post pretty quickly because it’s almost time to make some magic in the kitchen, but I wanted to take a moment to list some of the things I’m thankful for in my life…


— My huge family. Of course. They are awesome.
— And laughing with them about evvvvverything.
— Talks with my parents about my future.
— Skype, WhatsApp, and anything else that let’s me keep in touch with my brother and other close friends who are living overseas.
— My friends. I could pinch myself, I’m so lucky. They’re loyal, hilarious, accomplished, witty, ambitious, happy, caring and way more.
— Amazon Prime, oh, how I love thee.
— Reusable grocery totes.
— Potlucks with my girlfriends – we know how to throw down!
— Husky sports. 😀
— Yoga pants and hoodies.
— My Camelbak water bottle.
— Sunrises and sunsets.
— creativeLIVE, Jasmine Star, Sue Bryce, and all of the other photographers I’ve worked with this past year and those from whom I’ve learned so much about how to be a better photographer and business person – even if I don’t know them. I have an immense feeling of gratitude for all of these people. I love the photography communities of which I am a part.
— My clients!! Oh my goodness, I’ve loved having the chance to work with all of you this past year. Thank you for helping me build my business, too!
— Coaching basketball (with one of my former teammates) and having the opportunity to be a mentor to high school girls. My own basketball coaches are still some of the most important mentors and role models in my life, and it would be an honor to be the same to someone else one day.
— An abundance of support and encouragement from my family and friends who believe in me and my photography (and a lot of other things that I do). You inspire and motivate me to keep going. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

I hope you all have a wonderful, fulfilling, and happy Thanksgiving!!