[Sports] Love letter to Husky football

September 24, 2011


Dear Husky football,

If the photography gods spoke to me and said, “TB, you must choose only one subject to shoot for the rest of your life,” hands down it would be you. (Husky sports as a whole, if the gods would be so generous.) My passion for athletics and all that is purple & gold are united on the gridiron.

Husky Stadium itself is absolutely breathtaking. The views of Lake Washington and the Cascades to the east, Mt. Rainier to the south, and the Space Needle to the west, are enough to make a tough loss not hurt so bad (as a fan), and make a solid victory that much sweeter. And, I dunno…I’ve been to my fair share of storied stadiums and arenas, some of which are old and creeped me out (no disrespect, MSG), and others that were sparkling new and sterile (the D-backs’ Chase Field with its retractable roof to keep in the AC)…and I never get the same feeling as I do when I pass by or step foot inside Husky Stadium. I feel excitement, promise, and anticipation. I feel in awe and so blessed that UW and Husky Stadium are located in such a special place. I feel appreciation for our history. I feel love and pride. Husky Stadium is home. And all that happens there is sacred to me.  This is MY school, MY stadium, MY Dawgs… And I know there are hundreds of thousands of Huskies who feel exactly the same way.

So, to be able to photograph the stadium and what happens between the goal posts is an honor and a thrill. I want others to sense the excitement and appreciate the love I and my fellow Huskies have for this place.

I had the opportunity of shooting from the sidelines during two games in the 2010 season. The games against Arizona State and Stanford happened to be the rainiest (understatement) of the season, so I was thoroughly soaked to the bone by halftime, despite wearing full rain gear. No big deal. You watch games differently as a photographer than as a fan. Capturing the “perfect” shot is more exciting than what’s actually happening. There were moments when I would blast through 20 frames on one play, a touchdown pass to a receiver, for example, and check my display to see if I “got it.” Then I would look up at the scoreboard a few minutes later and think to myself, “Wait…What? When did THAT happen?” My favorite part of shooting from the sidelines, though, was being close enough to capture the emotions and reactions of the players and coaches, things that fans can’t see well (or at all) from our seats. Smiles, yells, whoops, grimaces, egos, chest bumps, dubs up, laughter, sorrow, joy, disappointment, elation – you name it, it’s on the field. And it is sOoOoOooo fun to photograph.

Thanks for letting me document part of your story. I love you, Husky football.

Go Dawgs,


This slideshow is a collection of shots I’ve taken over the past two years. Most of these will be on display in the UW Tower on the mezzanine level starting the last week of September.

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