[Sports] Wakeboarding Wednesday!

September 8, 2011


If you’ve ever been wakeboarding, you know that face planting in the water is an unavoidable aspect. I took a pretty good one last night, makin’ my ears feel as if I was 30,000 feet in the air and no amount of gum chewing could pop ‘em. Lake Washington was choppy, as every boat owner with a free afternoon has been taking advantage of Seattle’s beautiful, albeit late-arriving, summer weather. My friend Garrett was towing me in his boat and had no choice but to cross some large waves, and that was the end of me on only my third run.

I blasted through about 850 frames, and as I edit them I’m thinking, “why are most of these so boring…” Well, it’s probably because none of us knows how to do anything cool – haha! This was my first time wakeboarding in four years, and everyone else has just recently learned. Oh well. I can’t complain about a day on the water. Here are a few shots…

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